In the most simple terms the message of God is this: You are far from Me your Maker and need correction to escape judgment. This is what you must do: Repent of your sins and cry out in faith to Jesus Christ the Redeemer for forgiveness so that He may forgive your unholiness and give you eternal life. Only his holy blood sacrifice on the cross of Calvary has paid the penalty for you.
Beginning with the Hebrew people under the Law of Moses sins could be covered at the temple by offering sacrifice of the blood of clean animals. As the Scripture directed, ‘Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.’ But when the Son of God himself came into the world, it was not to offer himself repeatedly, but by the divine will ‘he appeared once for all to bear the sins of many by the sacrifice of himself.’ This Supreme Sacrifice was declared to be offered once and for all in Hebrews 7:27, 9:12, and 10:10, but even in Romans 6:10 and 1 Peter 3:18! So we see clearly that no repetition of that holy sacrifice ever needed to be made in any celebration in any church as might be taught by some. Great is the majesty of the Lamb of God to win untold millions of repenting believers to join his eternal family with confidence.