This earthly life offers us much that may attract us to what seems to be a treasure and calls us to devote our best energies to acquire it. Its fascination may be fun, or recognition, wealth, Olympic gold, some special deliverance, or anything that offers escape from a doubtful future, come what may. Are we tempted to surrender to this goal of personal ambition to ‘be all you can be’ and beyond?
What’s wrong with this? The answer is what we miss! We take a disastrous turn and miss reality for a dream, losing all that our Maker desires to give his children by inheritance. Are we forgetting that we are terribly temporary with a final end shrouded in mystery, not even knowing where we came from or what is to become of us?
Jesus said, ‘What does it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and forfeit his own soul?’ How can it be right for us to shove aside the Creator of the universe who put us on this planet, and direct the life we think is our own? Is this how we respect our Maker or are we the most foolhardy of all witless and unthankful rebels?