It is entirely unique. Almost 6000 manuscripts survive from early centuries and show great consistency among them. This is good evidence that they have preserved reliable truth. No other religion is so convincing as for evidence of the very events of the Bible. Many are verified by the study of archeology and secular history about people and places. We have many writings by contemporaries of Jesus.
Preserved writings of New Testament figures abound with information much more than exist about secular personages of fully acknowledged historical figures. Many writings were by eyewitnesses of the teachings and miracles of this Jesus of Nazareth. Even all the 66 Bible books by 40 writers agree in their message with no contradiction of theme or doctrine. Even the accuracy of ancient copies of the prophesy of Isaiah in the Qumran scrolls discovered in the 1940s is fantastic. And the testimonies of multitudes of believers through the centuries demonstrate the benefits and life changes of this Christ in their lives.