True Christianity

We know that Jesus Christ the Savior has declared to us ‘No one can come to the Father but through Me.’ And the Bible also tells us in John 1:11,12 ‘He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he […]
Know This

Since our universe was created by an almighty Creator God, humanity must give him all due respect. He has not left us alone. At the time of his choosing, he came to earth in the form of Jesus Christ, fully God and fully human, without a human father, to teach us the truth. Seeing how […]
God’s Divine Power

‘God’s divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.’ (2 Peter 1:3) For centuries, mostly after A.D.300, councils of certain Italians conferred and established various new doctrines of their own determination. These unauthorized requirements are […]
Salvation History

Forgiveness and new life began with God’s favor upon one Abraham, a Shemite, living among Chaldeans thousands of years ago. Briefly put, we know about him from the Bible that he was to be the first of God’s chosen people, the Hebrews. ‘Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.’ He won […]
The Place of Honor for Mary

The gospels begin by recording the genealogy of Joseph from Abraham to the time of Christ. God announced to Joseph that he had made his promised wife Mary to have a son by his own Spirit. Mary, then a virgin, was called ‘favored one’ and it was announced to her by the angel Gabriel that […]
The Chosen of God, a Treasured Possession

Did you know that God has chosen to show His love to all people? Yet, each person is responsible to choose to believe in God, which in turn, will make you a chosen one of God, a treasured possession. ‘You are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen […]
One day soon, when this world is left behind…

Jesus had taught very clearly in John 10:10, 27,28: ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they will never perish.’ The Book of Revelation later reveals to us about the end times […]
Happiness Can Be Yours!

Can you really be happy? Yes, happiness can be yours. Real life is knowing God our Maker and following Jesus Christ so that he lives in us as our divine guide to make for us a fruitful success. Truly our life is not our own but his, all the days he gives us. View these […]
Christian Baptism

The doctrine of Christian baptism is basic and very simple, being presented in only a few examples. The original Greek word was bautismo and was transliterated directly into English, always meaning ‘immersion.’ John the Baptist conducted baptisms in the Jordan River in Matthew chapter three to demonstrate the change of heart in repentance for sins. Jesus himself […]
The Truth of the Ages

In the most simple terms the message of God is this: You are far from Me your Maker and need correction to escape judgment. This is what you must do: Repent of your sins and cry out in faith to Jesus Christ the Redeemer for forgiveness so that He may forgive your unholiness and give […]